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Country Story - Error Message / Banned

Getting the error messsage because you have too many plots of land? Follow my steps to fix it!

1. Go into Country Story.
2. Immediately disconnect your internet b4 the error message pops out. (work offline)
3. Now go to decorate > special > drag the remove plot icon onto the land that you want to remove.
4. If a pop up saying that you have no connection, do you wish to retry?. Click 'NO'
5. Remove the plots till a reasonable amount, then RECONNECT your internet. Do a couple of farming, seeding, watering and save your game.
6. You'll no longer have the error message! =D (if the error still appears, remove more land)

Source: bji66


Country Story - Coin and Experience Hack Generator

Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) Flash Player 9 (IE and non-IE)